The greatest student body, our families, and all our evening participants, from cheerleaders to our marching band, descended upon Sammamish High School Football Stadium with integrity and dignity.
Proud Knights defending our honor in the strange new land of- Home away from Home.... -Entry free, check! -Knights brand and team colors, check! -Knights Cheer, check! -Knights Drill, check! -Knights Marching Band, check! -Touchdown Club Knight Market check! And me Touchdown Teddy check! Sheesh I may be blushing just a little- I had more hugs, kisses and photos snapped, I really felt the love...I am honored to be more than just a stuffed bear full of thoughts and ideas. But I must say it's time for a wash, it's bath time, I am pretty sure I over heard my handler Joel talking about some bubbles. Thank you Boosters and The Touchdown Club for all you do. Now let's not dwell on what actually happend tonight, yes we fell hard to a team that just frankly, beat us and yes to some its a huge disappointment, but really the way I see it is the game of football is a lot more than points on the board. Tonight Knight Nation rose up bigger than a win, we grew together and our solidarity is now a force to be reckoned with. We got this Home away from Home figured out and we did it the hard way, but we have leveled up, we did our job. I know our boys will get back on task and will get the wins, there's pleanty of exciting football coming your way. Now about that bubble bath, can someone read my tag? Joel you around? Hey where did ya go?... Dude it's dark in here. Really your going to just put me away in box til next time? I thought you were drawing me a bath....ah what the heck, come on really? Hey it's cold out here... -Touchdown Teddy
Well here we are a few days out, on the eve of the eve for our first of four Home away from Home games this one at Sammamish High School...I thought I would touch on a few pionts so you can make your plan on getting to the game. You see the boys are getting ready for what should be an exciting game of hard hitting football, against Lake Washington. For the guys I know they are pummped up and have been working hard and they all have their head in the game, but I also know that in the back of their minds they must be wondering who's going to show up? You see our boy's only have control of themselves and from what I see they are ready to battle it out for the win alongside their brothers.
Let me ask you...What about you? Are you ready? Will there be legions of Knights fans ready at game time? If you know of others needing rides maybe you have space in your chariot, sometimes kids are afraid to ask, maybe its best we just offer. Well I can tell ya that things have been happening behind the scenes. We are doing our best to make everyone feel at home, one cool thing is we will own the concessions (cash only) lot's of new items and also something a little different, we will have Cheer joining us out front with their own space to sell items and oh I almost forgot I will be out there to, you can snap a few pictures with me in front of the new Kights backdrop photo opportunity wall. I also hear there's loads of giveaways- so let's get rowdy and rally onward to our first Home away from Home game with a win. Lastly I personally would like to thank Sammamish High School and their athletic dept for being such nice hosts, once again we find ourselves in a hard situation but they have been great, understanding and welcoming, and well we appreciate it. Let's make some noise Newport fans!!! Let's shake some thunder from the sky! As our loyal Knights fight onward to victory!!! -Touchdown Teddy Emotions run high, the Knights fight hard, they put everything they have out there for all to see. In another back and forth battle much like the varsity game last Friday our boys also came back from a two score deficit, when they tied it up at 21. Let me tell you our guy's are tough! Tonight I saw laser like passing, hits that sent bodies flying and helmets rolling across the turf, but most of all we saw the passion, courage and some very big hearts. It was something more than just playing the game, like a musician if you don't feel the music you fall shy from convincing your audience you're great. Our boys hit some high notes tonight where they owned this game, the fans were awestruck watching how the teams courage and passion for the game marched hand in hand with great skills and physical football and for the love of the game. The brotherhood that binds our players and spills over into the stands is intoxicating. Sadly tonight we fell short 21-27, but as the Knights Football Family we have grown leaps and bounds since our spring and summer training.
Stop by and get a picture with me this Friday at our 1st Varsity Home away from Home game, where we take on Lake Washington at Sammamish High School. Go Knights!!! -Touchdown Teddy This year we have faced many challenges, tomorrow we will face one more. Our JV Knights will be playing tomorrow night at Everett Memorial Stadium…normally I know we would all be there but with Russell Wilson coming to town as a Denver Bronco and it being Monday Night Football I have to think about it for a second, one one-thousand, nope our boys are way more important to me. LET'S GO NEWPORT!!! Junior Varsity games are a blast, they are a fast moving never sit down kinda game. If you have not been out to see your Junior Varsity play yet, you are in for a thrill! You need to do it - don't fall short because Denver is coming to town, besides that's what record and watch it later is for. We only get one chance to see our boys LIVE battling it out tomorrow, you can't record it and watch it later.
With our boys on the field at Everett Memorial Stadium it will be a fight to the finish like no other... I think we owe it to them to be there and show our support. The Knights Football program is not just on a Friday night, we support every single kid in the whole program. Junior Varsity is out for the WIN, let's be there, share some cheer's and have a great time. When you get back home from an hour and a half of exceptional hard hitting action packed football, go ahead and relax, pour yourself a beverage of choice, kick back and hit the play button...I can't say it will be more exciting but you can have it both ways, you make the choice our boy's on the field live or that other game... No harm no foul. GO KNIGHTS! - Touchdown Teddy Although heartbreaking to fall short in overtime, the feat of coming back from a two score deficit and tying it up at 35 on someone else's home turf was exciting and full of remarkable football.
It's the strength and teamwork that shows in this team as they fired on all cylinders. Our away fans was a great start to a rapidly building group of die hard fired up support, our cheerleaders rocked and shined way brighter than the full moon overhead, they were more precise and truly exciting to watch. As the team, cheer and boosters continue to rally, we will become more solid and unwavering in the battles ahead. Wow what a night. I feel like the only thing I lost was my voice. - Touchdown Teddy |
AuthorSome call him Ted some call him Teddy. Archives |